The Spiritual Arts Foundation

Michelle Gordon - The Amethyst Angel

January 19, 2023

Michelle Gordon

Although I can look back now and see all the spiritual and paranormal events of my childhood, including out of body experiences, astral travel, channelled writing and seeing spirit; my conscious spiritual journey didn’t really begin until I was 21.

I had a bad case of sciatica, which I was complaining about to my mum over the phone, while browsing in a second-hand bookshop in West Wales. The owner of the bookshop waited until I ended my call, and then informed me that I should immediately seek out Peter, the local healer, to sort out my back trouble.

Slightly amused by this, but in so much pain I would have tried anything to ease it, I found myself climbing the tiny spiral stone staircase to a dimly lit room above the local hairdressers, to meet the healer.

What I found threw out all of my preconceived ideas of what it meant to be a spiritual healer. Peter was an ex-rugby player, who smoked, drank and swore in a delightfully strong welsh accent. During that very first session, whilst he was healing my back, Peter declared that I should be doing as he was, and healing people. I had heard of palm readings, but this was a whole other level.

Over the course of a few sessions, Peter showed me how to channel healing energy, protect myself from lower energies, and introduced me to dowsing.

Dowsing formed the backbone of my spiritual path, as I learned about Geopathic Stress, and how my health had been affected by stress lines throughout my childhood.

Over the next few years, I read everything I could find about crystals, life after death, angels, mediumship, healing and anything deemed to be under the ‘Mind Body Spirit’ banner. I also did crystal healing courses and practiced hands on healing.

Michelle Gordon with Neale Donald Walsch
Michelle Gordon with Neale Donald Walsch

At 24, I moved to New York and whilst working in a job with plenty of downtime, I read the entire spiritual section of the Westchester Library, including the majority of works by my favourite author of all time, Neale Donald Walsch.

I was fortunate during those ten months to attend a talk by Neale in the city, but when I met him, everything I wanted to say about how I resonated with his works, and how they were shaping my journey, flew out of my brain, and I just nodded and smiled as he signed my book.

Five years later, I flew to Oregon to attend his five day retreat, and this time, I was able to speak to him. I discovered how incredibly down to earth and humble he is, and how he merely saw himself as the messenger, not as an international bestselling author. His grounded attitude and his incredible books are what shaped my own writing career. As did his glowing comments on my first novel, which he said kept him awake until the early hours, because he had to keep reading.

That first novel, was The Earth Angel Training Academy. The idea had come to me when I was in New York, reading about Earth Angels.

I began writing the book in JFK Airport, as I headed back to England. I finished it two months later, but it wasn’t until I had written the sequel and another novel that I began to publish.

Michelle Gordon - The Earth Angel Series
The Earth Angel Series

I considered taking the traditional route to publishing, but seeing as my genre was very niche and not even a category on Amazon yet, I decided to publish it myself. I also rather liked the idea of being in control of the process, and being able to choose my own cover artwork and have final say on the contents.

I began publishing in 2011, and for the next several years, I wrote and published two books a year. That first book became the first in a series, of which there are currently ten books, and I am planning on there being two more. In total I have 20 books in print, including a sweary, unicorn themed self-help book, a poetry book, the first two books in a children’s series, and a several standalones, including my latest novel for adults, The Girl Who Loved Too Much.

I had known from the age of 8 that I wanted to be an author. I would devour books and be left hungry for more, and I knew I wanted to be the one who created entire worlds with words. What I hadn’t known, at that age, was that the only subjects I would write about would be spiritual or paranormal in nature. In 2016, I went on a tour in the states with the five-year anniversary edition of my first book, and as part of the tour I was filmed by Crystal Dawne for her angel documentary, The Illumined Ones, and I also went on a morning TV show in Tucson, AZ.

Michelle Gordon - The Earth Angel Series
The Earth Angel Series - USA TV Appearance

I was also featured on podcasts and radio shows. In preparation for one of the podcast interviews, the host read all of the books available in the Earth Angel Series (six, by then, I think) and her very first question to me on that interview was – ‘Why do you only write about death?’

Having never really considered the overall themes of my books, I was shocked by her question at first, but then quickly realised that she was right. Death is the central theme of my books because it is such a huge trigger for most. As a teen I was terrified of death, and would have panic attacks at the idea of not existing anymore. I was in my 30s before I realised that my overwhelming fear of death was in fact my greatest gift. And not just because it provided the main theme of my novels to come, but because ironically, it was this fear that kept me alive.

One of the main things that Earth Angels feel is that they don’t belong. They don’t fit in. The longing to go home, to be with those who understand them, can be so strong, that they often check out and journey to the other side.

This is because Earth Angels are indeed not from here. They are from other realms and planets and dimensions. This is how I felt in my teens, but thankfully, my fear of death kept me alive long enough to realise that I had chosen to be here, and that I could find others who felt the same way, and form friendships that would help me to feel like I belonged, even though I knew that Earth was not really home.

Writing the Earth Angel Series helped me to connect to Earth Angels all over the world, and form lifelong friendships that have got me through even the darkest of moments. I have also heard from my readers who have found themselves relating to the books in a way that has made things a little easier for them, and helped them to find their way on this bizarre planet.

Michelle Gordon on This Morning
Michelle Gordon on This Morning

In an attempt to reach more Earth Angels, in 2018 I agreed to be part of an article in the Daily Mail about Earth Angels, and as a result was asked to be a guest on This Morning, where myself and two fellow Earth Angels spoke of what it means to be an Earth Angel, and that Holly and Phil are Earth Angels themselves.

Over the last ten years I have helped many other writers to become authors, by editing, proofreading and publishing their books with them. Though I have helped to publish books of all genres, the majority of them are spiritual in nature. These books have also helped people around the world to heal, create and find love and joy.

My favourite thing about this spiritual journey is that no matter how much I think I know or understand, I can always be shocked or awestruck by a new experience or revelation, that makes me realise that I know very little! The ability to adapt and shift is paramount, and to hold onto our beliefs and ideas as loosely as possible.

Going with the flow and being kind to yourself is also key, as is understanding that everyone is on their own spiritual journey, which might be completely different to yours. If you feel you would like to read about Earth Angels or life after death, my books are all available online, and on my website you can find links to interviews, videos and my YouTube show, EarthAngelTV.

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