The Spiritual Arts Foundation

Welcome to The Spiritual Arts Foundation

The Spiritual Arts Foundation is a UK arts organisation dedicated to promoting spiritual artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers and producers whose artistic creations specifically demonstrate a vision of spirituality at their core.
Dr Rosemary T McAuley - Christian Mystical Journey

Whispers from a silver tongue calling my name pierced by childhood with spirit song. At 8 years old, my sleep was awakened to the green life, leaving me somewhat bemused. A spirit voice called “Rosemary, Rosemary” and, frightened, I hid under the covers. I turned, thinking it was my sister but she lay asleep in […]

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Natalie Farrell - Light the way

We are one. Three very powerful words. What do these words mean to you? Do you believe them? Do they stir something deep inside your soul? Or does your body reject them? I most certainly had trouble believing this concept at the beginning of my spiritual journey but this is all part of the miraculous, […]

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Michael Baird – Resonance Vibration Frequencies

I am a drummer, composer, producer, field recordist, writer, photographer, and documentary film maker. I was born in what was then the British Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia, since 1964 the Republic of Zambia. Ohhh I had a carefree childhood, looked after by my African nanny who took me down the compound strapped on her back, […]

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Karen L French - Sacred Geometry & Archetypal Symbolism

Karen L French is a best selling author on sacred geometry, with widespread acclaim for popularising complex concepts and themes. An artist and game designer as well as an author, she utilises her knowledge in her own transformative artworks and designs. Through her books, art, games and talks, French enjoys sharing the inherent possibilities of […]

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Désirée Ickerodt - Spiritual Filmmaker

Désirée Ickerodt is a German filmmaker living in London. Her creative journey started at the age of four when her mother enrolled her in her first painting class. Most of the children were older, and she was the youngest. She was told to paint a fish. At the time, she was not quite sure what […]

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J Udaya Bhaskara Sastry - Antipode of Arunachalam Hill

J. Udayabhaskara Sastry, 69, is a documentary and short-film maker, accredited independent journalist, Vedic astrology researcher and associate member of the Telugu Cine Writers’ Association based at Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. His latest project, documentary on Arunachalam Hill, titled Antipode of Arunachalam Hill, deals with the unexplored part of the spiritual teachings of Bhagavan Ramana […]

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Charlotte Mabon - Songs and starry skies

My early childhood was spent on the outskirts of a small Suffolk town playing ‘famous five’ with my 2 elder brothers and losing myself in the small scrubby copse of trees opposite our house. I was a quick learner so aged 8, my parents sent me to an academic girls’ school in Cambridge, 30 miles […]

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Yolanda Barker - Conscious Filmmaker

Yolanda Barker is an Irish-Polish film director, author and mental health advocate. She’s directed award-winning documentaries like ‘Cereal Killers’. Born in Limerick city to an Irish father and Polish mother, her film making aspirations began at the age of eight, when she saw ‘The Little Mermaid’, and promptly decided she wanted to make films for […]

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David Kingston - The answer’s in the music

It’s clear now that my journey with music and spirituality began as a teenager perceiving profundity in the lyrics of my then favourite artists … with my readily pedestalling them as great seers imparting some sort of transcendent knowledge and wisdom via their songs. To my friends, I used say ‘the answer’s in the music’. […]

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Eva Abraham - Songs For A New Earth

Eva Abraham - Voice, sound vibration healer, songwriter, musician, producer… Eva, a North Londoner born and bred to eastern European parents. Her Mother of Polish decent and her Father Hungarian decent, was naturally brought up a catholic. Although not ‘religious’, Eva has definitely always been ’Spiritual’ and drawn to the spiritual life, even if she […]

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Allie Joy - Syntropic Journeys

Hi everyone, I'm Allie Joy, I'm an artist, entrepreneur, and creative producer. I'm going to share with you about how I ended up writing this article with you today. It began with two qualities that I have nurtured from the start of my career, which are following my curiosity and walking with courage. I remember […]

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William Blake and The Blake Society

William Blake (1757 to 1827) was a visionary poet, painter, engraver and musician. He had no formal education, but read widely in Greek philosophy and that of his contemporaries, and studied and challenged the psychological and philosophical theories propounded by Locke and Hume. He read the Bhagavad Gita, Jacob Boehme, the Jewish Kabbalah, the Swedish […]

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The Spiritual Arts Foundation
The Spiritual Arts Foundation is dedicated to promoting arts related projects that specifically demonstrate a vision of spirituality at their core. We represent all positive and life-affirming spiritual and religious beliefs.
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