The Spiritual Arts Foundation
Ann Merivale

Ann Merivale

Ann Merivale graduated from the University of Bristol in 1962 with a BA Hons in joint French and Spanish. During the following twelve years she experimented with a variety of ‘helping’ professions before marrying the mathematician David Pearson, whom she met while they were both working in Geneva. The couple then returned to England and, while rearing their family of three, she performed voluntary work for the Third World and in anti-racism. At the age of fifty-two, after discovering her ‘true vocation for this lifetime’, she started writing books on spiritual subjects and obtained a Diploma in Deep Memory Process (past-life regression) therapy from Dr. Roger Woolger. She practised this over a period of twenty plus years in different locations including Ludlow, the Ripon Natural Health Centre and (unofficially) in Sathya Sai Baba’s ashram in India. Now that the couple are living in a retirement village in Malvern, Ann is always happy to offer the therapy in her home.

Ann Merivale - Woman Through The Ages

Woman Through The Ages

Did you know that the first named piece of writing was the work of a Sumerian woman in approximately 2085 BC, while the world’s first novel was written by a Japanese woman in the eleventh century? Or that Hildegard of Bingen, the great twelfth cent...
Ann Merivale - Enchanted Islands: Tales from the Galapagos

Enchanted Islands: Tales from the Galapagos

When, in 2013, the writer and therapist Ann Merivale realised a long-held dream of visiting the Galápagos, she did not anticipate that the trip would result in a book. But it seems that some of these islands’ non-human inhabitants thought otherwis...
Ann Merivale - Thicker Than Blood

Thicker Than Blood?: A Fresh Look at Adoption, Fostering and Step Families

The author of this book is both an adoptive mother and a Deep Memory Process therapist, who has in her counselling practice encountered many cases of both adoptees and adopters. The result is a very broad-based book containing numerous fascinating st...
Ann Merivale - Life without Elgar

Life Without Elgar: A Tale of a Journeying Soul

During a regression to find out the reason for the unusual emotional attachment that she'd had since the age of sixteen to Sir Edward Elgar - both his music and the man himself - Ann Merivale was knocked for six at finding herself in the life of Hele...
Ann Merivale - Delayed Departure: A Beginner's Guide to Soul Rescue

Delayed Departure: A Beginner's Guide to Soul Rescue

Delayed Departure contains all that is needed for anyone interested in embarking on the important work of soul rescue, with illustrations taken from the author’s own practice.
Ann Merivale - Discovering the Life Plan

Discovering the Life Plan

This book goes through the WHOLE of life in stages, but it begins not at birth, or even conception, but in the planning stage, in what is known by Tibetans as the Bardo - the inter-life stage - when important decisions are made re one's chief purpose...
Ann Merivale - Souls United

Souls United: The Power of Divine Connection

If you have ever experienced the joy of connecting with your soul mate - or hope to - this book is for you. Regression Therapist Ann Merivale has researched the lives of ordinary couples who have indeed found their other half. From the glorious momen...
The Spiritual Arts Foundation
The Spiritual Arts Foundation is dedicated to promoting arts related projects that specifically demonstrate a vision of spirituality at their core. We represent all positive and life-affirming spiritual and religious beliefs.
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