The Spiritual Arts Foundation


Val Andrews - Inspiration and Creativity (Complete Series)

Inspiration and Creativity: The Complete Collection: Inspiration & Creativity series: books 1-5

Following the success of the books in the Inspiration & Creativity series, this book has been created as a 'one stop shop' for anyone wanting to enhance their creative practice. It contains all five books in the series: Art for Happiness: Findi...
Val Andrews - Inspired Creativity

Inspired Creativity: Insights from experts on the psychology of creativity: Inspiration & Creativity series: Book Five

In this, the fifth book in the series, the author explores inspiration - what it is, where it comes from and how to work with it. From art and nature to childhood memories, the author explains how we can draw upon real experiences and process them in...
Val Andrews - Beyond Blue: Creative Approaches to Releasing Grief and Flying Free

Beyond Blue: Creative Approaches to Releasing Grief and Flying Free

Grief is often associated with the death of a loved one. However, there are many kinds of living losses which can cause grief, and a person's journey to recovery is as unique as the circumstances causing the grief. This book explains how creativity c...
Val Andrews - Creative Visualization

Creative Visualization: Access Your Imagination And Enhance Your Creative Practice

For centuries, creative visualization has been used in meditation to focus the mind. In more recent times, it’s been used to help people achieve their goals and enhance their performance. Building on these approaches, this book offers a series of u...
Val Andrews - Top Ten Tips For Enhancing Your Creativity

Top Ten Tips For Enhancing Your Creativity: Inspiration & Creativity series: Book Two

Each of the 10 bullets of inspiration in this punchy little book are supported by a practical exercise to get you started, or unstuck, whichever the case may be. These exercises are based on contemporary research, and the other books in the author's ...
Val Andrews - Art For Happiness

Art For Happiness: Finding Your Creative Process And Using It: Inspiration & Creativity series: Book One

If you’ve ever felt the urge to express yourself creatively, but you’re not sure where to start, this book could be what you’re looking for. Supported by contemporary research on the creative process, and sparkling reviews from readers, Art Fo...
Val Andrews - Unlock Your Creativity

Unlock Your Creativity: a 21-day sensory workout for writers

Unlock Your Creativity: a 21-day sensory workout for writers"" is the first book in the series co-authored by Sue Johnson and Val Andrews. Unlock Your Creativity begins with exercises to help the reader identify their creative aspirations. It then ta...
The Spiritual Arts Foundation
The Spiritual Arts Foundation is dedicated to promoting arts related projects that specifically demonstrate a vision of spirituality at their core. We represent all positive and life-affirming spiritual and religious beliefs.
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