All my life I have walked, rather uncomfortably, with one foot in each of two worlds. Training in Science and Mathematics provided the great gifts of study and critical reasoning with which to explore my own daily paranormal and spiritual experiences and to investigate others’. From the vivid precognitive dreams of childhood to the recognition of genuine spiritual guidance in extraordinary everyday synchronicities, I have always searched for answers to the most important questions about human consciousness, the power of the mind and the nature of the spirit.
Mind you, there have been some good laughs along the way, too. Inspired by Tom Sharpe’s irreverence and Terry Pratchett’s alternative worlds, I am convinced that spirituality is often far too serious. I mean, any afterlife must surely be chock full of the same narrow-minded idiots as this world, eh?
Understanding the spirit is important business – maybe nothing is more important – but let’s try to be down-to-Earth about it.