The Spiritual Arts Foundation
William Wildblood

William Wildblood

William Wildblood was born in London. After a period working as an antiques dealer, he left the UK. He ran a guesthouse in South India for several years and then another in France where he was also an occasional guide at the medieval abbey of le Mont Saint-Michel. He returned to England at the end of the 20th century since when he has worked for BBC magazines in various capacities, including seven years as an antiques columnist.

William Wildblood - Earth is a School

Earth is a School

Earth is a School presents the case for the material world as a spiritual school, specifically tailored to develop consciousness and bring the human soul closer to recognition of its divine source. William Willdblood discusses how our planet serves a...
William Wildblood - Albion Awakening

Albion Awakening

Now that Britain has left the EU it's a good time to ask ourselves where we should be going from here. Albion Awakening is the fruit of several years’ speculation on the spiritual future of the British Isles. It includes articles on the history, my...
William Wildblood - The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Man

The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Man

The world today is in crisis. We all recognise this but see it as political or environmental or social or economic or something along those lines. In other words, something material using that word to include the intellectual realm of ideas and ideol...
William Wildblood - Remember The Creator

Remember the Creator: The Reality of God

Remember the Creator is a book about the reality of God and how to become aware of that reality. Starting from personal experience, it moves on to look at the evidence for God’s existence and then considers what sort of God he might be. The teachin...
William Wildblood - Meeting the Masters

Meeting the Masters

This is the story of a young man who was contacted by discarnate spiritual beings who spoke to him through the medium of an ex-monk, some 36 years his senior. It concerns the spiritual training of the younger man given by these Masters, for that is w...
The Spiritual Arts Foundation
The Spiritual Arts Foundation is dedicated to promoting arts related projects that specifically demonstrate a vision of spirituality at their core. We represent all positive and life-affirming spiritual and religious beliefs.
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