A Colourful Dose of Optimism is her new book, published in May 2022.
If you could write yourself a prescription today, would it be for instant happiness and joy, optimism, and hope? In the current climate of anxiety and uncertainty, why not take control of the things that you can change in a positive way. It’s time to prescribe yourself some red to raise your glass to half full, some pink for positivity, or yellow to put sunshine into a dull day. Maybe choose blue for a calm outlook, along with balancing green to feel more in control. Now you can discover how to harness the power of colour to turn today’s challenges into hopefulness. Invest in yourself whilst enjoying the feel-good factor of having found your own colourful comfort zone for ultimate well-being.
Buy this Amazon No 1 Bestseller book to reveal the website link to your Colour Prescription IMAGES and for a one-off fee, purchase your DIGITAL APP - access over 100 shades that suit your personal palette, whether shopping for clothes, make-up, or home interiors.