Let’s get one thing clear; you never stop being a Queen! Whether you’re down-on-your-luck, riding-high or just coasting your way through your quarter-life crisis, you are always wearing your crown for the world to see.
Being a Queen comes with one big responsibility: you must take charge of what you’re attracting into your life.
In this gripping book fused with self-help, memoir segments and kick-ass business advice, Emma takes you on a journey through her experience with the Law of Attraction and all of the queens she has been.
She shares with you how you can be a queen in any and all circumstances of your life including;
Law of Attraction Wear your invisible crown, sit on your throne and find reassurance in knowing that no matter what you’re going through, or where you’re going to, you are and always have been the Queen of your own life.
It’s time to say YAAAAAS to your life, your queen and to all of the possibilities that lie ahead.
Emma Mumford a.k.a Spiritual Queen is an award-winning lifestyle Blogger, YouTuber, Life & Manifestation Coach, Public Speaker and Author. Emma is the host of the popular Podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ and also has her own Law of Attraction merchandise available on her website. Emma is an Advanced Law of Attraction Practioner and a qualified Reiki Master who was also Highly Commended in the 2018 'Soul & Spirit Magazine Awards' for 'The Most Inspiriting Life Coach'.