The Spiritual Arts Foundation

Sarina Korotane - Reiki’s Highest Potential - A Spiritual Journey

October 25, 2022

Sarina Korotane

Writing Reiki’s Highest Potential took me on a journey which guided me to explore and establish my foundation with my spiritual beliefs. It took me on a journey where I visited my past and saw my inspirations, my trauma, and the evolution into the woman I am now. The process of remembering and writing gave me an insight, a different perspective on me and my spiritual growth through the five decades I’ve been here in this life, and beyond, into my soul’s lifepath. I never knew I needed this, but it led me to build a bridge that connected my different spiritual personalities. When I first started writing Reiki’s Highest Potential, I had no idea of how grounding the journey would be, or that I would even see it as a journey. Who knew that writing a manual would result in a journey, and a spiritual grounding?

Reiki’s Highest Potential is a manual on Original Usui Reiki including the Eastern and Western philosophies and all three degrees. It is an informative guide into Reiki with all the basic information a novice or a Reiki Master may require.  But what makes it more than an actual manual is that I write about my experiences and the spiritual growth I went through with each Reiki Degree.

I am 50 years old, of Indian Hindu heritage, born and bred in England, and a witch. My spirituality has had many teachers from many different cultures and backgrounds. I was lucky to grow up in a multi-cultural city where I was encouraged to ask questions to learn different perspectives on life and spirit. I was bought up in an environment where we as a community were encouraged to celebrate each other’s cultures. But one thing that was greatly missing was any positive guidance, mentors or knowledge available to a little brown kid on what it was to be a witch.

I always knew I was a witch. As a child it felt very natural, but it was also something that I found hard to get information on. All that was available about witches was from stories on TV or books that took on a satanic angle. It was in my early teens that I discovered that most witches do not worship Satan, and I was able to finally get reading material on all the different types of witches there are. It’s hard to find your spiritual foundations as a child when there’s no one to guide you, when you feel different, and no one understands you. It’s lonely. But it was my journey, and that journey has made me who I am.

Sarina Korotane - Reiki’s Highest Potential - A Spiritual Journey

Writing my book allowed me to find a way to connect all my different spiritual personalities and find a true balance between them. I’ve always found that I would keep many aspects of my life separate from each other. I would put them in their separate boxes, and they would never mix. Much like different groups of friends. Writing my book made me see how I kept my different spiritual aspects separate as well. When communing with Hindu gods or goddesses, that would be separate to any witchy communing I did. I also kind of kept my witch and Hindu beliefs from my Reiki. I had different rituals for each and so kept them separate. But that changed whilst I was writing my book. It was as if I was relearning Reiki from a different spiritual angle and everything merged. I can be all at the same time. I feel more ‘one’ instead of lots of different sides of my spirituality. I have evolved and grown and found my balance with all the things that conflicted me growing up, as if I’ve built a bridge to myself, to all my different spiritual personalities. Writing my book has made my Reiki connection stronger because my connection to myself and all my different and sometimes conflicting personalities, is stronger and more balanced. They share the same foundation.

I also found that when I was first exploring my past and how each degree cleansed me and connected me to the universe, to spirit, I feared being so open about my life, my beliefs, and my personal trauma. There was a part of me that didn’t want to be judged. I feared being judged. But writing Reiki’s Highest Potential had to be an honest account of my spiritual growth, so the reader could really relate to my words.

Sarina Korotane

I found that I needed to be honest with myself and the reader, and that was spiritually healing for me. Putting down in words my spiritual beliefs gave me a spiritual freedom I hadn’t felt before. It was like cementing my spiritual foundation with the knowledge that I will keep evolving. I began to find my direction and felt more comfortable about giving details about my life and healing journey that were personal and important to me. My honest recollection of my Reiki cleansing allowed me to build a bridge to the reader, to build a connection that I needed. And that had a very positive effect on my spirit. It was very much a case of telling the world, this is me, and I’m proud of me and my journey.

Reiki itself is not strictly spiritual. It is a tool that allows the universal energy to cleanse and heal our energy, our spirit if you will. Some may take a scientific view of Reiki, and for others it is a spiritual experience, a way of connecting to the universe and the energy vibrations that make up the universe. But for me, Reiki, though it has a place in both, and I can see the science behind it, the pull to it has always been the spiritual connection to the universe. It reminds me to heal myself and keep a balance on my spiritual health, which in turn effects my mental, emotional or physical well-being. Reiki is medicine for the soul.

It has been a couple of years now that I finished writing Reiki’s Highest Potential and looking back to see how the process influenced my spirituality surprises me a little. I didn’t realise at the time that exploring all the different aspects of me would result in cementing my spiritual foundation. Now I see this little book as a spiritual companion, a disciplined friend, one that is firm, kind and full of wisdom. My book inspires me, it reminds me of what is healthy not only for my spirit, but also my mind, my emotions and my physical health. I read my book when I’m looking for guidance or when I’ve forgotten something due to brain fog. I read my words, remember and find inspiration to pick myself up and carry on. I hold my book sometimes when I need a little spiritual comfort because I know the wisdom of many before me is written there. The process of writing this book took me on an unexpected journey that really established my spiritual roots and ended up being my little friend in book form.

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